Okay , for today's entry , i would like to share some of my knowledge in sewing.. Tapi ,first of all , thousands of loves and thanks to Bonda Hamidah , sebab because of her and her guidance , dapat gak i inherited ilmu bonda nk jahit2 ..;)...
Tiba2 je i terlintas nak tunjuk buku2 belajar menjahit yg i dapat from my mum few months ago.. She gave me as she realized that am the only daughter yg sedikit rajin n show many interests in sewing.. So, i'm the choosen one lahh! Thanks mum.. Ah ,utk my adik2 n kakak2 , sila jgn jealous ok.. Nanti i'l try to make some copies of the books that mum has given me , to share sama2 ngn awk semua yaa.... ;)..Insyaallah...
Dlm byk2 buku menjahit mak,i tunjuk satu ni je dulu ye..Actually i have plenty as my mum had gone through two types of sewing schools and few of independent learning/ self studies gitu..So among all the books , manuals and handouts that i have , i choosed this one type of magazine that my mum had used during her bachelor's time...Zaman muda remaja katenye...It was around 1970's... Ni magazine bukan sbrg magazine..The magazine is called as DRESSING Magazine Boleh dikira sbg manual utk menjahit . Magazines ni were being used internationally..If xcaya cube tgk the cover.. Can u find any Malay language inside?? ..Xde kan?.. ha, mum bought these magazines either when she was in Singapore or sometimes her friend bought the magazines especially for her.. Magazine ni xdijual kat Malaysia masa tu... Haa..n the price was quite expensive as u could only get it in Singapore.
This is the cover page.. Da hampir buruk sbb mum simpan laaaaaama sgt ..;)..tapi yg penting ilmu kat dlm tu , amatlah berharga ..indeed!
Okeh ,dont be surprised. It was made in 1970.!see!i told u..;P. 42 tahun tau umur buku ni...da boleh masuk arkib da.. i pon x wujud lagi.. tapi my mum tgh bertungkus lumus bljr jahit masa ni..minat punya pasal..;)
Tgkla fashion baju zaman dolu.. its 70's though!.. da lebih kurang mcm zmn skrg..;)..especially penggunaan block colors and yup..even the designs..;)
Rambut tu ..ermmmm...noo...nooo...tgk baju zmn dolu2 je k..;)
Okeh ,skirt peplum..;)
office attire sbb i have one pair same like in the photo.. Xnak gtaw yg mana;P..i bought it somewhere with the brand of AGENDA.. but still i have to admit that the thepairthat i have is almost exactly the same like in the picture shown.:P
Madame..madame...ah..bahasa pe tu kan?;)..okeh ,ni skirt peplum yg i used this design and the mockup masa buat peplum ungu in my previous post.
Ni cara2 nak amek ukuran baju..dlm ni ade tiga bahasa..bahasa inggeris ,bahasa sepanyol and my mum baca inggeris je choice;P
Basic.. measurements utk jahit baju.Siap tunjuk cara from where the measurement should be taken from.
Senarai measurement..There are three languages.. Sila pilih.;)
Ha , yg ni la mock up yg i said tadi.. Magazine ni tunjukkn pattern baju yg kita nak jahit.. All baju ade patterns kat bahagian blkg magazine.. Yg atas ni pattern utk jahit peplum skirt.. so ,do u guys happen to know where did i learn to do the peplum pattern from? belom bljr kira2 lagi..pengsan!.P
Ouch! macam masuk kelas maths da.
Pattern baju n skirt peplum...Tgk numbers kecik2 tu ,yg tu siap kena buat kira2..very professional n detailed one..haiyyaaa...;P..respect la kat mak!
ni pattern yg i slalu bljr from mum..mmg malas nk buat kira2..;P
Ni pattern yg i sellaaaaaaaaaaluuuu sgt fail!..Tu yg jadi penyebab baju bahagian bawah lengan n dada jadi ketat...hadoi...;p belum buat kira2 sebelum juling biji mata nk bljr amek ukuran , i think i'd better stop now..Lagipon , still ade lagi nk share ..but i'l keep it in my next post , ok.. Xlupe , for my bestfriend , Puan Nora ,nanti aku share cara ukur baju yg basic k...Will write it in a fully malay so that lagi clear..Ni , kira nak kata,your wish is my command ye ,mek..But,ni baru intro.. R u dare enough to proceed to the next stage?.. Anyway ,miss u nora ...n family toooo!!..slm...;)
Nuffnang Ads
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
My 1st Handmade Peplum!
Hye dearies , ...Alhamdulillah ,my first attempt to sew my very first peplum kurung menjadi..yeay!!!Alhamdulillah for this amazing opportunity! :D
Sempat gak i took some of the photos during the process of preparing the baju ...Nak ajar org menjahit baju ni..ermm...mcm xrajin..So your task nanti ,sila2 tgk the step by step yg sempat i captured utk u guys tgk how rumit it has to be especially for a beginner like , tapi just a beginner utk jahit peplum je ye..yg baju kurung yg lain ,insyaAllah ,they are all safely kept in my mind...Mak la ajar..Thank you so much mum!Luv u mahhh!!...;)
Mujurlah the color of my satin ni memang cantik so this could help to motivate me to continue my sewing..and ,,there you go!..

Ni bahagian bawah baju yg kembang..I had to cut in the middle of my pattern sbb nak bagi space utk kembangkan kain tu..Hm..i wish i could use a proper sentence/way on how to explain it..;P...tapi ,layankan saja ya..;P
there u go...da siap almost 70 percent ,n i need to go through the 'battle' for 30 more percent!..;)
Bahagian kain..Hmm...actually kain peplum kena ketat di bahagian atas and kembang di bahagian bawah ..but , i dont really go for kain yg kembang2 kat bawah because of my height factor..kekeke..Org comel and petite like me will be seen as sooo like pokok yg rendang sbb lagi buat me nampak pendek!hah!.:P..So,abaikn kembang , i just made it as belah tepi sbb senang nk langkah besar2 ..hik hik...If buat tight kat atas peha n kembang kat bawah ,it would be difficult for me to lari2 with my heels...hahaha...;)
Ni bahagian belakang baju.
My skirt.
Belah tepi ya.;).
Aaannd, the next best thing is , jahit manik..Awesome!Part ni yang paling i sukaaa!!!:)
Some of my beads collections , to be sold as well...tapi ,since that i ni tokay kedai , i amek for free ya..Kembang2 tgn neh..;P
Okay , i was too eager and was enjoying my beads sewing till i didnt even realize that i could came with some new designs ...main letak je beads kat mana nak but i have to bear in my mind that i wanted it to be seen as sweet , trendy , cute and cantek la kan..;P...
So , ni kat bahagian leher baju.. leka tau sbb i loved to play with my purple and white beads..;P..sampai lenguh2 tengkuk ni..;)..
Ahahaa...i came with this kind of design as the 'belt' for my peplum..nak bagi nmpak sweet and cute..;p.
This one lak kat bahagian bwh kembang. This image is just to tempting as I'm typing this...haaii..because of terlalu excited n terlalu rajin ,sampai bwh baju pon jadi..;)
Posing sket..)..Kat pergelangan tgn pon wajib k..;P
And,inilah hasilnya..Cantik x?..;P...Alhamdulillah...Again ,million thanks to bonda Puan Hamidah tercinta sbb bagi saya ilmu yg tak terhingga ni....Saya stress2 jugak but terus hilang stress bila leka menjahit...:)..Luv u la mak!!Abah tooo!!...After this , insyaallah , few more peplums will be releasing out sooonn!!!....
Hye dearies , ...Alhamdulillah ,my first attempt to sew my very first peplum kurung menjadi..yeay!!!Alhamdulillah for this amazing opportunity! :D
Sempat gak i took some of the photos during the process of preparing the baju ...Nak ajar org menjahit baju ni..ermm...mcm xrajin..So your task nanti ,sila2 tgk the step by step yg sempat i captured utk u guys tgk how rumit it has to be especially for a beginner like , tapi just a beginner utk jahit peplum je ye..yg baju kurung yg lain ,insyaAllah ,they are all safely kept in my mind...Mak la ajar..Thank you so much mum!Luv u mahhh!!...;)
Mujurlah the color of my satin ni memang cantik so this could help to motivate me to continue my sewing..and ,,there you go!..
Okay, yg ni is the material that i've chosen for my 1st peplum ,its purple satin. cantik x?;)
Ha , firstly , kena buat pattern baju dulu..n again , I basically do my pattern on a few pieces of newspapers as i dare not to just directly cut the satin yet.. Xberani sbb ni first time .;)
Ni bahagian lengan / tangan
As u can see there , i just overlapped je newspaper patern on the satin , then u can just follow the pattern ..ha, jgn lupa tinggalkn 1 inci basi kain masa potong tu k.;P
Yg ni bahagian atas baju..Yup , kena potong asing as after this i have to combinekan balik..ah , yg ni bahagian depan ya..
Da siap potong ,then the next stage is the sewing process.. Sorry I didn't get the chance to snap a picture of me was sewing sbb i was fully occupied utk menjahit..xdan nak amek gambo..hikhik..;)
Bahagian kain..Hmm...actually kain peplum kena ketat di bahagian atas and kembang di bahagian bawah ..but , i dont really go for kain yg kembang2 kat bawah because of my height factor..kekeke..Org comel and petite like me will be seen as sooo like pokok yg rendang sbb lagi buat me nampak pendek!hah!.:P..So,abaikn kembang , i just made it as belah tepi sbb senang nk langkah besar2 ..hik hik...If buat tight kat atas peha n kembang kat bawah ,it would be difficult for me to lari2 with my heels...hahaha...;)
Ni bahagian belakang baju.
Belah tepi ya.;).
Aaannd, the next best thing is , jahit manik..Awesome!Part ni yang paling i sukaaa!!!:)
Some of my beads collections , to be sold as well...tapi ,since that i ni tokay kedai , i amek for free ya..Kembang2 tgn neh..;P
Okay , i was too eager and was enjoying my beads sewing till i didnt even realize that i could came with some new designs ...main letak je beads kat mana nak but i have to bear in my mind that i wanted it to be seen as sweet , trendy , cute and cantek la kan..;P...
So , ni kat bahagian leher baju.. leka tau sbb i loved to play with my purple and white beads..;P..sampai lenguh2 tengkuk ni..;)..
Ahahaa...i came with this kind of design as the 'belt' for my peplum..nak bagi nmpak sweet and cute..;p.
This one lak kat bahagian bwh kembang. This image is just to tempting as I'm typing this...haaii..because of terlalu excited n terlalu rajin ,sampai bwh baju pon jadi..;)
Posing sket..)..Kat pergelangan tgn pon wajib k..;P
Monday, November 19, 2012
peplum fever!
Hikhik...;)..hehe...;) r u out there?..;)...i could only smile je la kan sbb i've told u guys before, that if xappear2 post baru ,it means that i was tooooooo / superbbbbbusy...huhu....and ade byk sgt obstacles by obstacles yg dtg mngganggu...hmmm...
okay ,during my MIA ni i've got few things that i'd done n completed...During Aidiladha ,menjahit manik je kejenyer. Furthermore , this semester has almost reached to the end maka sibukla bagi lectures and marking quizes papers ( i wish that someone would lend his/her help).., ,then terkial2 nak prepare exam questions and stretching my eyes to observe my students' presentations...Comments tetap comments!but xdela berangan sampai jadi like American Idol ..haaa...gigih2 x gigih tu?...;).. Then , juling2 la mata nak key in assessmnts marks budak2 ni..hmm...
So ,memang xde masa la nak melayan anasir2' luar yg sibuk la nak bagi nasihat+ provoke+tuduhan konon i ni control org??/ha xdek masa dik;P.. Tapi, xpela..berpandangan baik je la kan ...diam je la sbb mls nk mlyn..mcm budak2 lk..And the Most IMPORTANT is , i've got other BETTER THINGS to do rather than layan al this k..Ni pon sampai terlupa nak update pasal tempahan manik dari sorang customer ni yg has ordered quite a big number la jugak ;P..Alhamdulillah..Rezeki dari Allah...;)..
Hm, do You know what I actually feel like doing after i've managed to cater all of my activities above?If you've been following my blog, way back then, you might have had the slightest remembrance of how freakishly am crazy over fashion , sewing and any gorgeous things that could attract my interest and attraction.. So ,the latest one is this:...
Peplum!Yup its peplum and bukan papadam ya dearies...;P.... Since that i've started receiving many wedding invitations,yup...its a school break though!..So ,da penuh sket my weekends with the invitations from my frens and my customers yg i jahit baju nikah dorang... I am too eager to see them wearing my own designs , my own efforts and ma own hardworks actually.. Tapi ,pegi invitation tu ,xkanla blindly nak pi , ait?.. Kena pikir baju ape lak nak pakai/jahit......yup!prefer to sew it by ma own ..slesa n happy!.. If like last year , i was tooo obsessed pada kain lace utk pegi wedding invitations..But now on , nak tukau slera lak.... I would go for satins...plain satins ..and nak jenis baju kurung PEPLUM!..
Amat sesuai utk yg kecil molek macam i!..;)
Yg ni cth2 baju kurung peplum yg i nak buat.. Masa balik last weekend pon mak cakap baju style ni zaman2 dolu da ada...and the funniest part was, she showed me her old Peplums kurung which was sewn by mak long!..Masa tu mak said late Saloma je rajin pakai pesen2 like this..ahahakk..;P..My mum and her siblings da 'harung' and ' puas pakai da masa dolu2..;)..
ape2 pon ,I've bought 3pairs of plain satins , which they are purple , pink and dark brown .. Hasilnye?Nanti ek...Tgh proses...sbb asyik pegang lepas pegang lepas je pasal my sifu ( my mum jauh nun di sana..PD)...;)..
Okay..see u guys in my next post..Insyaallah...;P..salam
Hikhik...;)..hehe...;) r u out there?..;)...i could only smile je la kan sbb i've told u guys before, that if xappear2 post baru ,it means that i was tooooooo / superbbbbbusy...huhu....and ade byk sgt obstacles by obstacles yg dtg mngganggu...hmmm...
okay ,during my MIA ni i've got few things that i'd done n completed...During Aidiladha ,menjahit manik je kejenyer. Furthermore , this semester has almost reached to the end maka sibukla bagi lectures and marking quizes papers ( i wish that someone would lend his/her help).., ,then terkial2 nak prepare exam questions and stretching my eyes to observe my students' presentations...Comments tetap comments!but xdela berangan sampai jadi like American Idol ..haaa...gigih2 x gigih tu?...;).. Then , juling2 la mata nak key in assessmnts marks budak2 ni..hmm...
So ,memang xde masa la nak melayan anasir2' luar yg sibuk la nak bagi nasihat+ provoke+tuduhan konon i ni control org??/ha xdek masa dik;P.. Tapi, xpela..berpandangan baik je la kan ...diam je la sbb mls nk mlyn..mcm budak2 lk..And the Most IMPORTANT is , i've got other BETTER THINGS to do rather than layan al this k..Ni pon sampai terlupa nak update pasal tempahan manik dari sorang customer ni yg has ordered quite a big number la jugak ;P..Alhamdulillah..Rezeki dari Allah...;)..
Hm, do You know what I actually feel like doing after i've managed to cater all of my activities above?If you've been following my blog, way back then, you might have had the slightest remembrance of how freakishly am crazy over fashion , sewing and any gorgeous things that could attract my interest and attraction.. So ,the latest one is this:...
Peplum!Yup its peplum and bukan papadam ya dearies...;P.... Since that i've started receiving many wedding invitations,yup...its a school break though!..So ,da penuh sket my weekends with the invitations from my frens and my customers yg i jahit baju nikah dorang... I am too eager to see them wearing my own designs , my own efforts and ma own hardworks actually.. Tapi ,pegi invitation tu ,xkanla blindly nak pi , ait?.. Kena pikir baju ape lak nak pakai/jahit......yup!prefer to sew it by ma own ..slesa n happy!.. If like last year , i was tooo obsessed pada kain lace utk pegi wedding invitations..But now on , nak tukau slera lak.... I would go for satins...plain satins ..and nak jenis baju kurung PEPLUM!..
Pada sape2 yg have no ideas to wht peplum is , inila design dia... kembang2 baju saloma mak cakap!;)
Tp actually no matter what ur body size is , bole je pakai...;0
Yg ni cth2 baju kurung peplum yg i nak buat.. Masa balik last weekend pon mak cakap baju style ni zaman2 dolu da ada...and the funniest part was, she showed me her old Peplums kurung which was sewn by mak long!..Masa tu mak said late Saloma je rajin pakai pesen2 like this..ahahakk..;P..My mum and her siblings da 'harung' and ' puas pakai da masa dolu2..;)..
buat draft dulu sblm start mnjhit yekk....;)
ape2 pon ,I've bought 3pairs of plain satins , which they are purple , pink and dark brown .. Hasilnye?Nanti ek...Tgh proses...sbb asyik pegang lepas pegang lepas je pasal my sifu ( my mum jauh nun di sana..PD)...;)..
Okay..see u guys in my next post..Insyaallah...;P..salam
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Jln2 ke IKEA
Hope u guys out there are doing fine n have had a splendid quality time with your family members..
Last week sempat la i berjalan sampai ke Kota Damansara in purpose to survey a glass shelf / display glass shelf utk letak products from my own designs / n ma own boutique ya...;P
Second purpose sbb nak cari a unique mirror , xnak cari yg mcm typical mirror frame yg lurussss nak ltk kat my mini boutique gak..haruss....
So, we went to IKEA after work..Hmm..Org tengok kita ni ke hulu ke hilir but they do not know actually kita ni ke hulu hilir sbb bisnes and buat keje yer...xde masa lak nak ke hulu hilir xtentu arah as i pon pnt bekerja as a lecturer . Penat tau berdiri ,bercakap spjg hari then balik keje kena check customers's orders via email .Masa brjln2 n tgh makan pon kepala ni keeps thinking pasal any possible designs and supplies pe yg kurg..budget kena tally..Mlm lak,if order tu nak kena htr cepat ,sometimes i have to stay up the whole night , tido 3 jam je then bersiap pi college..hmm..nak cari rezeki punya pasal..ngee...Hmm...tapi mujur ade org bantu..Fortunately he is my business partner as well.;)..If x ,mmg xgerak la my business sbb xde org tlg hantarkan order to customers and to collect payments..Setakat ni my customer yg paling jauh is from JB ..tapi ni just buat postal order je la ye..
So ,straight away we bugged IKEA because as far as i know, their shopping concept is unique compared to other home furnishing stores..Furniture pon smart and kemas.Lagipun , tekak ni kepingin nak mamam the IKEA meatballs...:0)
Sampai2 je , kitorang proceed to the section yg byk display mirrors..Mcm2 bentuk ade..Yg ni , sempat lak bergambar in front of an oval shape mirror..Memang cantik and tidy..;)
Nampak kan oval shape dia?The price is really affordable, less than rm150.

Yg ni bergambar by forced!;)..Amat sivik and skema!;P Zairi paksa;(...;P.. He said that the background ( the bookshelves) really fit me as an educator..Iyolaaaa!!!!!;)..
Ni tgh pilih2 n survey a shelf yg i nak..the one that i was looking at ni actually macam ok tp nanti sat nooo..kita survey2 dulu..
Haa....da jumpe a perfect white shelf yg dicari.. and the price is...taraaaaaaa...!!!RM1499....sigh....;P
OK noryn , sila semak balik budget anda yer..Sila tutup mata and teruskn menyurvey lagi..hadeh....;p..
After we had seen this , rupe2 ade gak a glass shelf yg i nak tu..kat bahagian warehouse, at the last floor masa nak ke payment counter... Murah sgt !..Akhirnye...;)..
Hm...after penat brjln pusing all levels in IKEA tu ,n Zairi pon da ngadu hungry2 , haihhh..we stopped by jap kat IKEA's food court as we were craving for the IKEA meatballs...nyum..nyum...;)..Sambil2 tu sempat lagi took out a piece of paper as i wanted to sketch some designs..All of sudden je ideas dtg..nnt siap baru i makan k.;)
Zairi ni punyela setia..Sanggup waiting for me until i siap buat sketches..SO , to kill his time of waiting , inila keje dia..amek gambor je la.;P
Haa...finally jumpe jugak ape yg dihajati.. Mirror ni cantik and murah..ade 4 pieces that need to be pasted directly on a wall...Memang the design is unique.. It doesnt look like a very typical glass mirror yg ade straight frame kan?..;P
Finally bought jugak ape yg dihajati . Ni da nak balik ye..Baiknyer anak encik Safari ni ..sebaik ayah and ibunya...Whts inside the shopping bag?Adela..;P
OK...for my next post actually ,i'm quite busy with orders sebab da nak raya haji ni..hmm..takut sgt2 if xdpt cater tempahan tu sensorang.. I might need to hire someone to help me out .. Final exam pon da nak dekat.
;(.. Lagila terkial2 buat keje sensorang..;(..So if for my next post pon mkn brkurun lamanye nak appear ,fhm2 ajela ya..
May Allah blessess all of u out there..Salam
Hope u guys out there are doing fine n have had a splendid quality time with your family members..
Last week sempat la i berjalan sampai ke Kota Damansara in purpose to survey a glass shelf / display glass shelf utk letak products from my own designs / n ma own boutique ya...;P
Second purpose sbb nak cari a unique mirror , xnak cari yg mcm typical mirror frame yg lurussss nak ltk kat my mini boutique gak..haruss....
So, we went to IKEA after work..Hmm..Org tengok kita ni ke hulu ke hilir but they do not know actually kita ni ke hulu hilir sbb bisnes and buat keje yer...xde masa lak nak ke hulu hilir xtentu arah as i pon pnt bekerja as a lecturer . Penat tau berdiri ,bercakap spjg hari then balik keje kena check customers's orders via email .Masa brjln2 n tgh makan pon kepala ni keeps thinking pasal any possible designs and supplies pe yg kurg..budget kena tally..Mlm lak,if order tu nak kena htr cepat ,sometimes i have to stay up the whole night , tido 3 jam je then bersiap pi college..hmm..nak cari rezeki punya pasal..ngee...Hmm...tapi mujur ade org bantu..Fortunately he is my business partner as well.;)..If x ,mmg xgerak la my business sbb xde org tlg hantarkan order to customers and to collect payments..Setakat ni my customer yg paling jauh is from JB ..tapi ni just buat postal order je la ye..
So ,straight away we bugged IKEA because as far as i know, their shopping concept is unique compared to other home furnishing stores..Furniture pon smart and kemas.Lagipun , tekak ni kepingin nak mamam the IKEA meatballs...:0)
Sampai2 je , kitorang proceed to the section yg byk display mirrors..Mcm2 bentuk ade..Yg ni , sempat lak bergambar in front of an oval shape mirror..Memang cantik and tidy..;)
Nampak kan oval shape dia?The price is really affordable, less than rm150.
Masa ni kena berehat sebentar sbb my feet rasa lenguh2..haihhh...I was wearing my high heels...Manataknye , xtanggal2 kasut tu dari balik keje then boleh lak gigih gi jenjalan kt IKEA..;)..memang x la...;0
Yg ni bergambar by forced!;)..Amat sivik and skema!;P Zairi paksa;(...;P.. He said that the background ( the bookshelves) really fit me as an educator..Iyolaaaa!!!!!;)..
Ni tgh pilih2 n survey a shelf yg i nak..the one that i was looking at ni actually macam ok tp nanti sat nooo..kita survey2 dulu..
Haa....da jumpe a perfect white shelf yg dicari.. and the price is...taraaaaaaa...!!!RM1499....sigh....;P
OK noryn , sila semak balik budget anda yer..Sila tutup mata and teruskn menyurvey lagi..hadeh....;p..
After we had seen this , rupe2 ade gak a glass shelf yg i nak tu..kat bahagian warehouse, at the last floor masa nak ke payment counter... Murah sgt !..Akhirnye...;)..
Hm...after penat brjln pusing all levels in IKEA tu ,n Zairi pon da ngadu hungry2 , haihhh..we stopped by jap kat IKEA's food court as we were craving for the IKEA meatballs...nyum..nyum...;)..Sambil2 tu sempat lagi took out a piece of paper as i wanted to sketch some designs..All of sudden je ideas dtg..nnt siap baru i makan k.;)
Zairi ni punyela setia..Sanggup waiting for me until i siap buat sketches..SO , to kill his time of waiting , inila keje dia..amek gambor je la.;P
Haa...finally jumpe jugak ape yg dihajati.. Mirror ni cantik and murah..ade 4 pieces that need to be pasted directly on a wall...Memang the design is unique.. It doesnt look like a very typical glass mirror yg ade straight frame kan?..;P
Finally bought jugak ape yg dihajati . Ni da nak balik ye..Baiknyer anak encik Safari ni ..sebaik ayah and ibunya...Whts inside the shopping bag?Adela..;P
OK...for my next post actually ,i'm quite busy with orders sebab da nak raya haji ni..hmm..takut sgt2 if xdpt cater tempahan tu sensorang.. I might need to hire someone to help me out .. Final exam pon da nak dekat.
;(.. Lagila terkial2 buat keje sensorang..;(..So if for my next post pon mkn brkurun lamanye nak appear ,fhm2 ajela ya..
May Allah blessess all of u out there..Salam
Friday, September 28, 2012
Beauty N D'Beads part 2
Hi there!..Entry kali ni is the continuation psl yesterday's entry.. Yup ,yesterday i shared the pictures of the beads that i'd bought lately.. Tapi if smlm all the beads and sequins tu were still dlm packets , now i've bought my tool box utk storage all the luvly beads..Why beli byk2? nama tempahan da byk.. nk tepek kat baju nikah customer and ade dua lak tempahan utk jahit manik kt tudung..tudung sakura dari dua customers yg berbeza..Ni contoh tudung sakura iklan / image tudung sakura yg i akan jahit manik ya..tempahan bukan sehelai dua..but..byk...nak kena htr balik PD minta tlg mak punyer assistants kt sana..nak buat sorg mmg juling biji mata neh..If nak tempah from me tu..nanti kita tgk how...if ade rezeki ,i'll announce ya..;p
hmmm.....cantik sgt...
Tgk beads lak.Jom cuci2 mata..;P..
Sempat lagi nak amek gmbar blog sendiri.
ahaaa...tapi nak inform sket yg tukang amek gambar2 ni actually it wasn't me who took the pictures ya.. Yg ni , actually Mr.Zairi yg jd photograher xbergaji .. Ha...saja nak tgk his own creativity in taking photos.. Almaklumla...he has taken a diploma in Graphic Design previously ..even..???...tapi let me put my trust on him... Dari cara ambil sudut2/angles tu da mcm amatur da..yela..If were to compare with me , sure gambar yg i'l take tu statik je..pegun position yg skema n sivik je..But bila bagi Zairi amekkn gmbr..ha..lain dari yg lain..I mmg xreti la nak bengkang bengkok bdn nak cari angle/sudut yg cantek..Thx ya Zairi..;P..
Ni pandangan sisi...;)
1st level...;P ..all pearl beads...cantek x?;P
2nd level... Pearl beads, glass beads and sequins..
Yg ni time Zairi main2 amek gambar entah ikut angles yg dia nk..apo tah!;)
dari atas.
if nak amek gbr like this , mmg i xreti la kan....mau tertonggeng2 la cari angle..;)
Cantik and harganya RM89..but usually , bila order je susah nk dpt kt Radiusiteni sbb selalu out ofstock..Then , if beli kat luar pulak harganya may reach up to RM150..huh?..;) if ikut my clients' price..ha..that one i need to ask the owner first ya..nanti i tlg promote her boutique lak..k
Hi there!..Entry kali ni is the continuation psl yesterday's entry.. Yup ,yesterday i shared the pictures of the beads that i'd bought lately.. Tapi if smlm all the beads and sequins tu were still dlm packets , now i've bought my tool box utk storage all the luvly beads..Why beli byk2? nama tempahan da byk.. nk tepek kat baju nikah customer and ade dua lak tempahan utk jahit manik kt tudung..tudung sakura dari dua customers yg berbeza..Ni contoh tudung sakura iklan / image tudung sakura yg i akan jahit manik ya..tempahan bukan sehelai dua..but..byk...nak kena htr balik PD minta tlg mak punyer assistants kt sana..nak buat sorg mmg juling biji mata neh..If nak tempah from me tu..nanti kita tgk how...if ade rezeki ,i'll announce ya..;p
hmmm.....cantik sgt...
Tgk beads lak.Jom cuci2 mata..;P..
Sempat lagi nak amek gmbar blog sendiri.
ahaaa...tapi nak inform sket yg tukang amek gambar2 ni actually it wasn't me who took the pictures ya.. Yg ni , actually Mr.Zairi yg jd photograher xbergaji .. Ha...saja nak tgk his own creativity in taking photos.. Almaklumla...he has taken a diploma in Graphic Design previously ..even..???...tapi let me put my trust on him... Dari cara ambil sudut2/angles tu da mcm amatur da..yela..If were to compare with me , sure gambar yg i'l take tu statik je..pegun position yg skema n sivik je..But bila bagi Zairi amekkn gmbr..ha..lain dari yg lain..I mmg xreti la nak bengkang bengkok bdn nak cari angle/sudut yg cantek..Thx ya Zairi..;P..
My collections....ade 3 pon ade byk lagi yg xletak..kena beli lagi 2 more boxes utk keep all my beads and sequins....
Ni pandangan sisi...;)
1st level...;P ..all pearl beads...cantek x?;P
2nd level... Pearl beads, glass beads and sequins..
Yg ni time Zairi main2 amek gambar entah ikut angles yg dia nk..apo tah!;)
dari atas.
if nak amek gbr like this , mmg i xreti la kan....mau tertonggeng2 la cari angle..;)
Ade byk lagi ni ..nak upload my glass beads pulak... Thanx ya Zairi...;)..May Allah blesses u....;)
Eh , wait...nk tunjuk image2 tudung sakura halfmoon shawl yg glamour kat Radiusite tu..:0
Cantik and harganya RM89..but usually , bila order je susah nk dpt kt Radiusiteni sbb selalu out ofstock..Then , if beli kat luar pulak harganya may reach up to RM150..huh?..;) if ikut my clients' price..ha..that one i need to ask the owner first ya..nanti i tlg promote her boutique lak..k
Haihhhh...suke2...;p.....insyaallah la,,,,,,....ehh...????.....Nak tggu org belikn lah!;P
k. Bai!;Pslm..;)
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