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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Bingkisan Ilmu Drpd Bonda


Okay , for today's entry , i would like to share some of my knowledge in sewing.. Tapi ,first of all , thousands of loves and thanks to Bonda Hamidah , sebab because of her and her guidance  , dapat gak i inherited ilmu bonda nk jahit2 ..;)...

Tiba2 je i terlintas nak tunjuk buku2 belajar menjahit yg i dapat from my mum few months ago.. She gave me as she realized that am the only daughter yg sedikit rajin n show many interests in sewing.. So, i'm the choosen one lahh! Thanks mum.. Ah ,utk my adik2 n kakak2 , sila jgn jealous ok.. Nanti i'l try to make some copies of the books that mum has given me , to share sama2 ngn awk semua yaa.... ;)..Insyaallah...

Dlm byk2 buku menjahit mak,i  tunjuk satu ni je dulu ye..Actually i have plenty as my mum had gone through two types of sewing schools and few of independent  learning/ self studies gitu..So among all the books , manuals and handouts that i have , i choosed this one type of magazine that my mum had used during her bachelor's time...Zaman muda remaja katenye...It was around 1970's... Ni magazine bukan sbrg magazine..The magazine is called as DRESSING Magazine Boleh dikira sbg manual utk menjahit . Magazines ni were being used internationally..If xcaya cube tgk the cover.. Can u find any Malay language inside?? ..Xde kan?.. ha, mum bought these magazines either when she was in Singapore or sometimes her friend bought the magazines especially for her.. Magazine ni xdijual kat  Malaysia masa tu... Haa..n the price was quite expensive as u could only get it in Singapore.

This is the cover page.. Da hampir buruk sbb mum simpan laaaaaama sgt ..;)..tapi yg penting ilmu kat dlm tu , amatlah berharga ..indeed!

 Okeh ,dont be surprised. It was made in 1970.!see!i told u..;P. 42 tahun tau umur buku ni...da boleh masuk arkib da.. i pon x wujud lagi.. tapi my mum tgh bertungkus lumus bljr jahit masa ni..minat punya pasal..;)

Tgkla fashion baju zaman dolu.. its 70's though!.. da lebih kurang mcm zmn skrg..;)..especially penggunaan block colors and yup..even the designs..;)

 Rambut tu ..ermmmm...noo...nooo...tgk baju zmn dolu2 je k..;)

 Okeh ,skirt peplum..;)
 office attire sbb i have one pair same like in the photo.. Xnak gtaw yg mana;P..i bought it somewhere with the brand of AGENDA.. but still i have to admit that the thepairthat i have is almost exactly the same like in the picture shown.:P

 Madame..madame...ah..bahasa pe tu kan?;)..okeh ,ni skirt peplum yg i used this design and the mockup masa buat peplum ungu in my previous post.

 Ni cara2 nak amek ukuran baju..dlm ni ade tiga bahasa..bahasa inggeris ,bahasa sepanyol and my mum baca inggeris je choice;P

 Basic.. measurements utk jahit baju.Siap tunjuk cara from where the measurement should be taken from.

 Senarai measurement..There are three languages.. Sila pilih.;)

 Ha , yg ni la mock up yg i said tadi.. Magazine ni tunjukkn pattern baju yg kita nak jahit.. All baju ade patterns kat bahagian blkg magazine.. Yg atas ni pattern utk jahit peplum skirt.. so ,do u guys happen to know where did i learn to do the peplum pattern from? belom bljr kira2 lagi..pengsan!.P

Ouch! macam masuk kelas maths da.

 Pattern baju n skirt peplum...Tgk numbers  kecik2 tu ,yg tu siap kena buat kira2..very professional n detailed one..haiyyaaa...;P..respect la kat mak!

 ni pattern yg i slalu bljr from mum..mmg malas nk buat kira2..;P

Ni pattern yg i sellaaaaaaaaaaluuuu sgt fail!..Tu yg jadi penyebab baju bahagian bawah lengan n dada jadi ketat...hadoi...;p belum buat kira2 sebelum juling biji mata nk bljr amek ukuran , i think i'd better stop now..Lagipon , still ade lagi nk share ..but i'l keep it in my next post , ok.. Xlupe , for my bestfriend , Puan Nora ,nanti aku share cara ukur baju yg basic k...Will write it in a fully malay so that lagi clear..Ni , kira nak kata,your  wish is my command ye ,mek..But,ni baru intro.. R u dare enough to proceed to the next stage?.. Anyway ,miss u nora ...n family toooo!!..slm...;)