For this post ,I just wanna share about my favorite designer other than Rizman Ruzaini.. His name is Mr. Hatta Dolmat..For sure lots u guys pon kenal ,right? Tp to compare between these two , I’d go for Hatta’s design . Rizman still superb. But if ikut rank, Hatta comes first ya.. Why ..inila sobab eh…;)
Khairi Sufi , Hatta Dolmat and Rizman Ruzaini.Local designers. Captured from Nanti if free, i will update utk Khairi Sufi's designs.
Ha.. pada sesiapa yg belum kenal who Hatta Dolmat is , inilah one of his photo.. A young designer with lots of awesome designs in his brain, really creative and super talented. Almost all of his designs are beyond doubt awesome! His designs are more to couture' design...Wow , bertingkat2 compliments neh..Tapi , satu hapa pon I xdapat…;P .. Kidding!
I dpt gak something.. Apparently, his ideas jadi my inspirations …Tp dapat buat cuci2 mata je..To apply and implement? Haa..ini kena tgk purse jugak ya..;P
The other reason why I like him , is because he knows on how to carry himself whenever he is in public. Appearance and attire kena jaga k.Always kemas and pandai matchmaking all his own clothes jackets/shoes/hair. Superb Smart la. .;).. For instance , cuba tgk gambo kat bawah ni..Smart x?
Hatta with one of his designs..
And more…;)
Okay , da habis bebel about him , now nak share some of his designs yg really attractive and impressive.. Just share mana yg I suka k.. Insyaallah, one fine day , if ade free time , baru nak cuba mnjahit and follow sikit his ideas..hahaa..very the verangan one!;P.. Tp just utk diri sendiri and utk family je..Utk buat publicly , I dare not to that!…;0
Here are some of his designs k.. layankan saja..
After have gone through these photos , i could only say that most of the dresses yg i letak ni just sesuai utk wedding je... tp if Mak Jemah berani la kan pakai mcm ni masa beraya kat rumah org , i tabik spring bertingkat ni..;)...Tapi if nak contoh terbaik utk baju raya , i advise u guys to go back to the previous post , that is Rizman's post k..Yg tu ok..and canteekk..
FYI , If nak exactly the same designs , anda boleh direct to his page or blog at this URL address.
Ehem, Mr. Hatta Dolmat pon tak tahu I tengah promote his designs ni.. I ikhlas ok…tp jauhhhh…;)… takla……Actually nak share ideas ngn kawan2 yg da lost xtaw nak buat design baju ape utk raya ni or da xtaw nak design mcm mana pada yg nak merancang berkahwin tu ya..I’ve got mine.The ideas only ya. Chill!;).
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