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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

golden remedies!!;)

Assalamualaikum semua...

Hi there,i'm back again setelah almost ages gak la i put myself into a silent mode..yup, as usual ..busy n xde idea yg best nak share..but finally , i found the remedy that has encouraged me to start blogging..;) , i didnt go out and found it..its the opposite thing happen..the remedy it self that came to me..keke

Okaay...where shud i start eh?hmm..last month , it was the month yg i suuuukee sgt..sebab???.....1) my birthday was in that month and ....the best part was...i happened to receive a few birthday presents yg i didnt expect tht i'l get it in that bunch?bunch?ala bunch pon , xde la melambak sgt.just it is impossible for me to get that kinda gifts at once . Nak beli utk diri sendiri ,it'l take ages la kan..nak tau what did i la nak story nii;P

7th feb 2013: Actually on the 6th lagi my teeetttttt ni da sibuk2 tnye wht i wish to have on my bday..dlm hati ni..ehehe..dlm hati ni la kan...i wished that all of my family members , me beloved ones will stay healthy and taknak pape yg xbest happen to them on my birthday day..Nak all my family members , all zairi's family members sihat. Itu je la kan.. Xdapat hadiah pon xpe,asalkn org yg kita syg ade disisi, lengkap,cukup sifat n sihat walafiat.;) ..if not , nnti boleh spoil mood kita nak clbrte x?;)

Secondly , as i  know that at my age ,jgn nk ngengada la nk itu ini.. Lagipun ,i can even buy it by myself .. wah ,mcm arrogant but syukur lah rezeki Allah bagi dgn penat lelah bekerja ni.

Thirdly , berangan la jugak nak dpt tabung teddy bear (transparent) mcm ni :p.. sebab my hobby pon is collecting ,verangan je la kan even boleh je beli sendiri as the price is less than rm20 if xsilap..lagipon ,tiapkali shopping  in JJ , kita ni pegang lepas pegang lepas je tabung ni tapi xjugak terbeli2..eheheeh..kedekut la reasonnye.;)..Padahal before this ,i've bought jugakla beberape tabung n da penoh pon.nk bli lagi mls sbb terrrnampak botol2 nescafe kosong yg mak da cuci n tinggalkn kat dapur tu. Trus lak kidnap bwk blik kl buat simpan syiling..Til now mak tak tau i kidnapped ni..Dia  tau botol2 tu hiiiilang je..;P..Sorry mum!much loves!muah2!;)

this is not the real image pon KIDnap kat tenet..hehehkkkk...;P...but yg ni la i nak.brg murah je..bersederhana je;)..xnak yg mhl2 sbb wasted nt.

OK. Bis cite psl tabung , now iniler hadiah yg  dia  bagi..

a gold ring.comel je ;,senyuuuum je la kan...again, thank you a lot b.. tp after this jgn bazir2 duit yer..berjimat..kita ni pon siap kumpul2 syiling tau(tu diahhh!!! hah< patotla sampai skrg xkawen2)..hahhaa..;P

Then ,bila dpt ni ,den sooooonyuuum yo la kan sbb dpt this gold ring.siap tepek la kat fb nk share with frenzz.;P.. Padahal,this is the second time he bought me a gold ring. Yg first was in 3 years back..;)

Then ,balik PD,my brother in law lak baik sgt hati belanja makan .Even clbrte scara sederhana ,but yup, i really appreciate it.. Thanks again for the treat..Langkah kanan den;P
hah,ibarat wht mimi said..sapdek time.lai lai lai!..;0

Then ,after a week my birthday passed ,dpt lak ni..A pair of gold earings.So ,sape mao jawab?;P

again..senyum.xperlu kata ape2.;)

Then , when i got back to the office on the next day , punyerrrla mud tgh ting tong.. almaklum heart ni da jauh kot nak kerja in this college .Bostonweb College di hatiku 'sgt'!.:)... While dok layan youtube (hello ,it was lunch break , i tak curi tulang tau);P..,tetiba dtg la sorg student ni.. At first , i was angry a bit sbb he had disturbed my lunch hour..Tapi , tetiba je he said , miss , happy belated birthday n plz take this"?... which at the sametime, he took out a red box from his bag...what da?/.Then ah ,he quickly ran away sbb malu kot..ontahla..i was speechless though. Ini macam punya budak ada ka?;)bagi brg then terus lari?;PP..ingat org mencuri je yg amek brg terus lari;P

Inside my mind, dok pikir la , bom ape je la he had put inside. But , when i opened the box ,OMG!!It was a gold chain from Poh Kong..????;PPPYeayyy!!!Tapi ,yg best tu ,he wrote a short note. "Happy birthday my dear Teacher?bukan it was supposed to be a lecturer ker?eh?am i a teacher who teaches in a secondary school?its a college kot.Haah..den pedulik hapo.;P..teacher pon teacher lah!janji hadiah rock!!wakakaka..;) if i happen to work in a school pon , xkan dpt lerrrr...;P..taraaaaa!!

So ,obliviously to the fact that , i am really feel grateful n happy to get brg2 like this as my birthday gifts.Eh , ade sape2lagi nk bg adiah like this tak?lai..lai..lai...;P


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