Yesterday , sempat la ronda2 sat kat area KL just to find any SINGER shop kot2 ade jual jarum jahit tepi SINGER..Yup ,i cannot use a common needle to replace it sbb size x sama and the needle hole memang difference dari jarum jahit biase.. Hmm.. mana la nak cari sbb xramai yg gune mesin jahit tepi mcm yg i guna skrg.. Paling kurang , usually org just htr kedai utk jahit tepi je kan?..
So ,before nak bertolak ke PD tu , hati ni nekad nak cari Kedai Jahit SINGER sbb nak beli gak jarum to replace jarum mak yg patah tu.. Hati ni gundah gulana tau sbb xkanla kerana sbtg jarum SINGER , i kena harung all the way to PD nak dptkn replacement and then ingat nak kena patah balik KL on the next day sbb da janji nak deliver tempahan yg da siap kat sorang customer ni..hmmm.. Therefore , terus la jln2 jap kat area KL and luckily we found one Singer shop in Setapak..Waaaa...bestnyer..Kedai jahit Singer lak tu.. apparently , mmg tempat utk sevis mesin Singer gak..Mahal tau harga servis dia..Mcm nak servis keta lak..D price is around RM200 above.. haihhh...betul2 singa la!singa pon x mahla macam ni taw..;)
I stepped inside the shop and asked about the needle. Syukur...Ade rupenye..Sonyum2 la den ni.. Tapi at first i thuoght , harga needles dia mcm bape sen je ikut harga jarum jahit biase yg i bought before this, which is around RM2 utk 10 btg needles..Tapi , haiiihhhh....mahal rupenyer...RM23..
Mcm xcaya kan harga dia RM23 ?;)
So , i bought the needles then terus la balik rumah.... Nak try repair and pasang balik jarum jahit tu...;)..
Alhamdulillah , da berjaya pasang and ganti jarum mak...yeayyyy!!!..;)
Why i put this photo? Sebab...when i was buying the needles , uncle singa!uncle yg keje kat kedai Singer tu tnye the code of the needle.. Nampak gambar jarum tu kan? it is 2054. So , pada kawan2 yg gune mesin jahit tepi singer and ade plan nak beli jarum baru ,jgn la blindly go to the kedai asking tu buy needles.Confirm owner tu akan tanye wht code /size...Yg penting code jarum..Uncle tu ckp Code jarum mcm ni skrg mmg da xjual n susah nak cari..Thats y mahal..(katenyer la..........)
Yg ni gambar inside the machine.. Berselirat nak pasang benang utk tiga jarum and tiga benang.. Susah nak pasang.. sebab tu kena gune tweezer masa nak pasang...mcm nak bedah org lak...;)..
Hm , yg ni numbers yg boleh di adjust utk jarak antara benang2...pon kena adjust betul2 . If x nanti senang putus.
If u guys perasan , ade a blade ( pisau) sbg pengemas /pemotong kain masa menjhit..If patah memang la terbang byk lagi RM...huhu
And , finally has gone back to normal...sudah ok...furthermore , when we were in the Singer shop , uncle tu sempat bagi advised and checked sket mesin jahit tepi ni.. Rase mcm masuk training nak godek2 mesin jahit tepi ni je..Byk do's and dont's ..haa...baru la i tau...... Sempat la uncle tu letak minyak and bersihkan enjin.. hasilnye , masa pakai tadi ,the sound was even smoother to compare dgn penggunaan before this..
In conclusion ,pada sape2 yg nak teringin gune/beli mesin jahit tepi Singer ni...kena la rajin bersihkn or htr servis.. Kat kedai tadi pon masa tanye uncle how much the price of this machine ikut harga has reached up to RM1700...wooooooo....tambah bp ratus je lagi i dpt beli iphoe 4S kot..muahhaaaa... Xpela ,yg penting dpt la i continue balik jahitan2 yg tergendala before this..OK la..nak sambung jahit2..U guys please take care ya..slm..
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