Ikutkan hati ,siang tadi i'd planned nak siapkn tempahan jahitan at least 3 pasang baju , and after that it will be like three more pairs to go .. Then boley la berehat and spend masa utk family for the last two more weeks before Ramadhan ends... I'm starting to feel exhausted a bit and i've started coughing lately.. Hmm ..maybe x tahan habuk2 kain..selalu sgt inhale habuk2 masa mnjahit i guess....hahaha..Tapi tibaikan saja sbb dah minat and nak kill my free time sementara x pi college until end of this month..Semester break lak katakan..kalah my students..:)
Muke semangat nak menjahit neh..;P..tapi.......???;0)
Yg sebelah kiri tu la mesin jahit tepi mak..
How boleh patah? Sebab....terlupa yg baju customer ni ade macam batu2 kecil/glittering stones spread/scattered all over the garment.. Hmm.. Terlupe..
Nak ngadu sakit ni(ngengada lak kan:), quickly i called my mum in P.D.. She was sooo worried when i told her about the incidents.. Ingatkn mak nak marah sbb jarum mesin dia i da patahkn. My mum asked me to come home je la in PD . so if nething happen , she'll be there to help/assist me... Haaaiiii...apola ekau ni noryn... Da besa panjang pon , sume eh nak harapkan mak... Haaa.... Yup , untung x kawen lagi..leh manja2 ngn mak...;P...If da kawen , xdapek la an?.;P
So ,the moral of the story is , to u guys yg gune mesin jahit tepi tu kena la double cautions/carefull..especially when u're dealing with the type of garments yg ade byk glittering stones on it.. I da regret sgt2...Mood mnjahit pon da hilang sampai nk amek gambo mesin jarum patah tu pon mls2 je.. So ,tonite tido awl sket la ya...
Tmrw nak packing all sewing equipments.. Ngn mesin jahit tepi mak skali .All will sumbat inside my car yg mintak ganti disc break tu(adeh...duit lagi tu..masa nak raya ni la kan..;P)...Maybe nak stay je in PD until all tempahan siap.. nampk gaya macam nak suruh mak siapkn jek?hahaa...no..no..;)
Muke semangat nak balik PD neh...hahahaa...posing tepi my car dulu yer...;)
Hmm.. tgh batuk2 kartun ni..nak have a short supper then tido la ya..Selamat bersahur semua..Slm...;P
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