Bangun tido je pagi tadi , mata ni melilau la , was looking for any work that i can do instead of sewing.. Yup , sewing tergendala because of yesterday's incident.. Mesin jahit tepi patah jarum and i could only starts my sewing if i happen to buy the new needles...Bukan senang nak cari type of the needle neh.. Mana nak cari kedai SINGER kat KL ni... So , packing2 la barang nak balik PD .. Pasrah kan?;)..
So , i went to the hall , then i saw two stacks of exams papers yg i collected last july...Muahahaa...xstart marking lagi? hahahaaa....xpe...rilex...i need to submit the results by Sept..kot...hahahaa...and i supposed my friends pon nth2 they haven't started their marking pon..kekeke..
Okay. So , i took la the papers as if like i wanted to start my marking..tapi...hahaha...setakat tgk2 tnye khabar je la mood nak buat marking yet...neah.....;)
So , for this post nak share sket ngn u guys the groups of students that i used to have la kan in Bostonweb College ni.. hmm...I tell you , its the most challenging experience whenever u happen to teach in this college.. Nak taw why?Let me show u guys why...huhu..
But before that nak tunjuk a photo yg was taken few years Cosmopoint ye..bukan kat Bostonweb..1 Malaysia gitu...all races ade.. Kat college ni students mmg best2..Gaji je ngn working environment je yg kureng!..;) Miss Noryn tu tgh mengomel..haha

Yg ni my current local students ..of Bostonweb College..Tapi da xajar dorang lagi because they've gone through all of my classess 2 years ago.
Ok.So konon2 nak start marking my exam papers for these two subjects; Communication Studies and the other one is Technical Writing.
Cuba tgk ye the name list kat bawah ni.. ...
Haaa...cube tgk agak2 leh jumpe x any name of local students here? ...xdok kan?;P.. yang ni group main2 sbb dtg kolej krana trpksa..huhu..
Yg ni the remaining students yg nak blajaa.....brp kerat je left?
Cantek x tulisan ni? ahhaaaa..fening2...
Ni sample soalan utk pict di atas.. If u guys rajijn , cube la cek2 pe yg slh..Hmm...who says that nak ajar English ni senang especially towards international students? Hmm...for me..its easier sket sbb dorang ni English da kuat..tapi x berapa strong pon...ckp je okay..but when it comes to comment!;)
Yg ni kita suruh buat essay ,he just listed down je points yg dia tahu..Pastu boleh lak wrote entah pape sentence merepek nth..I LOVE u? GELI2!..haiiyaaaa...;)
yg ni paper my bright student...berjela tau....jenuh nak check..;)
Canteeeekk tulisan..korang hado?;)
Ah , terselit answer script my one and only local student..;P
Ni lak part yang paaaaaling best...Student ni malas tahap dewa kot.He only answered only one question .Sonang..Satu page je then finish!;P
Yg ni budak rajin...Kat bawah ni his name.
yg ni lagi sorang terrrrrlebih rajin sampai guna two answer booklets .haihhh...
Yg ni la paliiiiiiing mncabar n sakit mata...haihhhh...tulisan ya amppppuuuuunnn!!!;P
Terselit lagi sorg local student.. This guy ok and good sbb x takot ngn my nigerian students pon.;)
Hmmm...mesti u guys pelik kan why i can even stand working in this college which it has been about 4 years taw working here.. adolaaaaaa sobab nak tukar gak angin nanti...insyaallah..
So ,ifu happen to be in my place , rasa2 sanggup x ajar my students ni..Syarat utama harus kuat semangat taw..then ....pandai2 la ...

Hmm..mana la perginye my local students mcm ni..boring hari2 ngadap students satu color je..(hitam)..
Nak stop..babai;p
la miss noryn punya blog rupanya
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