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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Idea Nak Jahit Beads Scallop


i'm googling some designs yg jarang org nk buat pada baju pengantin ..i mean , a design mcm scallops but they're made from beads... tgh cari idea on how to strt sewing like that...hmmmmm..mesti semua tgh tertnye2 ape aje la noryn ni celotehkn...

okay,as a trailer ,meh la sy tunjuk jnis design yg sy paggil sendiri as a ' beads scallops' sbb da xtaw nk pggil pe other than scallops..

haa...nampak xbentuk scallops kt bju Che ta ni...btw, until now , i dont have any idea what does it called..hmmm..tpi papehal pon, it is soooo impressive and "tempting' to me... sbb selalunya sy jahit manik jnis biase2 je ikut gerak hati n jari plus mood...

Frankly speaking i'm not too sure whether kt dlm gambo ni jenis renda o not,but its sy da trbyg2 on how it will look if sy build and make it by myself guna materials beads yg berlambak dlm simpanan nk mencuba..

So,the whole day ,i did some researchs nk cari kot2 ade yg have same ideas with me...

Fortunately, adela jumpa a few pics yg boleh sy buat rujukan..mohon halal pada owner gbr yg trlibat..secara tak langsung ,korang jdi model n inspirasi sy...macey manyak2..;)

tadaaa...1stly, yg ni sy jumpa which is so simple n tambahkn keyakinan sy bahawa it was made from beads...sgt detailed dan sempurna...da xya guna manik lebar2 mcm stok artis2 last is sooo simple,ait?so,trus strt berangan n dpt idea sikit nk buat ape ,nk tepek kt baju ape n nk bwk melaram kat mana..hikhik..;)

  2ndly ,mcm nmpk kat bahagian pinggang Almy ni scallop beads ni mcm ade, but stil unsure as i dont get the close-up shot..

but ,wht ever it is,whether ianya dijahit di bahagian dada , bahu ,or pinggang...i think i have the confidence to sew and make it...:)

So,nk trus google n buat research lagi..but most probably ,after this nk try buat mock sewing utk jhit beads mcm ni dkt baju my sister yg tgh in progress..we'll c how ya..c u when i see ya..slm//:)