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Sunday, May 19, 2013

wht am i up to , nowwww???;)

Assalamualaikum semua..

Dah macam chipsmore lak my blog  ni..kejap ade kejap xde..But ,as usual..nk tulis blog ni kena ade mood and contents..tapi yg paling penting is the mood nk menulis .. Contents mmg brlambak in my mind yg I nak share but..hadoii…lately mmg sgt2 busy dgn some matters.. Ape je la yg noryn ni dok busykan??/haa..antaranya ialah ,

-         i’ve started my new job somewhere in a new college..bukan tmpat keje je yg new ,even the college also is a new college . So currently , mmg terrrrlalu busy buat contents developments for English subjects,IELTS preparatory programme , MOHE(Ministry of Higher Education ), MOE ( Ministry of Education) and MQA programs approvals ,buat advertisements , social media ads ,marketing n bla bla utk market n to open up a new college.. So ,my current salary now jgn ditanya berapa ya…;P.I just can say Alhamdulillah after all of the obstacles that I hd gone through when I was working in Bostonweb College.. yup, every clouds has a silver lining…J..tapi tu la…jauh sgt ofis ni sampai nk blik ke rumah from 6pm da around 9pm bru can reach home, due to the very super heavy traffic jam!exhausted so no mood nk berblogging:(

-         but the best part kj kat sini ,they've provided me my own room. At first mmg janggal ade bilik sendiri sbb da terbiase ade geng dlm bilik lecturer. A bit awkward sbb nk panggil colleague now pon kena klua dri bilik sbb colleague ni , his room is just opposite of my room..But ,its ok sbb rasenye , skrg ni mmg xbiase sbb xde ramai staf lagi..we just need to wait till month of June or August.Masa tu staf da ramai kot..ade new lecturers ,new admin staff,new HR staff..Yg kita ni???/The pioneers, hokay..;)..but we’ll c how it goes sbb now I lak dpt offer kj tmpat lain which is nearer with my  house in sentul.;p..tapi da tanye bos..bos da jengil2 mata xkasik gi mana2 dah!!ahahhaa!!!:P..ok2..korang mmg boss yg best!;)

my own office space!:P

 masuk2 blik je da de flowers on the desk:)..mode#happy#:)

 Sila beri salam before u enter k..hehehe;;)

-         for my other task, currently is renovating my parents house in PD.. haaaa…see?so every weekends I have to shoot back to PD nk tlg buat kerja construction n yup, memula je la jadi contractor sat smpai sakit2 badan ni cangkul pasir , bancuh simen n menyibuk nk pasang tiles n batu bata bagai.. As the result ,on Monday bdn da mcm zombie..sakit2 satu badan.. Kulit pon almost kna sunburn.Ngengada sangat nk renovate dapur n rumah sendiri..Budget nk buat SENTUHAN dan IDEA sendiri la kan:P..Last2 my elder sis yg gorgeous ni pi kua duit n share2 adikberadik upah contractor.. ish2,,,noryn ni mmg kedekut orgnye..suke buat sendiri nk jimat n yakin boleh , tpi mmg boleh buat pon k..bukti??tiles kat sinki wall tu I dgn zairi and anak2 buah yg buat tau!;P

 Gigih la zairi with my nephew pasang  tiles.:p..thnks ah!;)

-         so  , tiles dapur dah siap , now kat bhgian laman lak tgh pasang tembok and nak extend a bit..haa..yg ni in progress..harap2 sempat siap before raya;)
-         haa..part ni best sket nk citer.. Actually now I have started my own business dlm beauty products.. even x byk products but slowly nk gak improvise kan sket.. The beauty products are like Aura White , sabun beras Thailand, Collagen goat milk soap , ELLIPS Hair vitamins ,and ade lagi yg bakal mnyusul..Just jual mana yg kita dah pakai n dpt result yg bagus je.Saje je nk kongsi rahsia kecantikan wlwpon, I ni bukannye cantik pon..kekkeee… But now , yg mmg serius buat and dpt tempahan yg byk n kerap,is the Aura White GlutaColagen product.Yup , I am a ministokist of Aura white now.. Even dah ade my own Fb page k : Aura White Beauty Products.

So , this is the link :

hehhe..Sila like if u guys browse upon it..;)..Asalnye just minum sorang2..Then ade student ni perasan tgk my skin da licin n even fairer..sbb kulit I mmg cerah okay. Just parut2 kesan dmm  campak je la yg tinggal..and alhamdulillah da makin rata n licin..So ,she started to order from me. But ,bila tgk kat market mmg tgh hot..then quickly I decided to????haaa..Nak story byk2 kat sini , nntila..i akan tulis one post specially for Aura White based on my own experience ya..
-         not even to sell beauty products ,skrg tgh nk join venture in a creative felt pillow business with my student yg rajin n kreatif now,sibuk wat marketing n is searching for the  materials via online.( ahhaa..ieza ,,mis da tau where to buy all the materials..):P.. The best part is, org ramai tnye n da siap nk buat order..:)..alhamdulillah..

-         ni lak , my long time business yg akan kekal sampai bila2..yup ,sewing is my passion.. so , my Manik the Beads fb pon now da ramai org inbox nk buat tempahan jahitan manik,nak beli manik n baju..almaklumla , da nak dekat raya…tp, hurmmmm…rasenye this year xdpt amek upah jahit baju sbb mmg xdek masa..jahit manik pon tgk gak how..if ok and senang, I amek the order, but if nak crumble beads bagai..mmg terpksa tolak sbb yg tu kena betul2 focus nk buat.;)

my Manik the Beads page..feel free to visit the link.sila like utk tgk price and items.:p.. just go to this link:

-         so ,byk kan kj yg sebabkn I kurang masa nk berblogging?;)

-         ok..nak stop sat..Nk kumpul contents n pic utk my aura white post..Tunggu ya ..Thanks for your time..take care.slm;P

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